Everything you need to know about Frenchtons

 So you have decided to look into one of America's most wonderful designer breeds? Congrats! I am here to tell you all the good, all the bad, and every other little thing about this adorable mixed breed.

First you might be wondering what a Frenchton is. It is a small designer breed with parents that are purebred French Bulldog, and purebred Boston Terrier. 


One of the first things I want to tell you, is that Frenchton's were bred to be healthier. This does not mean that they are perfectly healthy!! They were just bred to have longer snouts, which helps with the breathing and respiratory issues.  


Frenchtons are originally from the United States, which makes sense because the Boston Terrier was popularized in the States also. They are a designer breed, which basically means the AKC and CKC kennel clubs don't recognize them because they are a mixed breed. But they are recognized by the American Canine Hybrid Club. 

Here are the pros and cons of this lovely little breed.

The Cons :(

I decided to start with the cons, because if you're going to get a dog, then you should probably know All the bad things first. 

  1. The first thing I find I don't like are their farts. Yes, even with the Boston Terrier in them, their farts still stink! When we went to pick up my Frenchton puppy Rory, she farted in the car and everybody noticed... Within seconds. When people say silent but deadly, they are totally talking about Frenchtons! 
  2. Second is their snoring. Part of me actually thinks this is a really adorable feature they have, but some people might view this as a con. They sound like humans when they snore, so if you can't sleep when you hear people snoring, then you can't have your puppy sleeping in your room. The only reason they snore so loudly, is because of their smooshed in faces. 
  3. Frenchtons are not guard dogs. You can't train them to be. These dogs may bark occasionally, but rarely let you know that someone is at your house. 
  4. This is another thing that I find cute, but some people might not. Frenchtons love to be with you ALL the time. So if you are at work for most of the day then a Frenchton might not be for you, in fact dogs in general might not be for you. I don't want to talk you out of getting a dog, but before you commit, you have to know if you can add a puppy to your busy schedule. (Check this out if you need more information on if getting a dog right now is a good idea!) 
  5. One major thing you have to think about when buying a Frenchton is the price. Some of you may be willing to pay the high cost for the dog or vet bills, but some of you cannot. This breed is more expensive than others due to the cost of breeding the parents and the birth process. Frenchtons can cost anywhere from 2000-4000 dollars. This isn't adding the cost of vet bills, and all the items needed for raising and training a healthy dog. 
  6. The last thing that I don't love about Frenchtons is that they take a little bit longer to potty train. But, if you have enough ambition and knowledge, you can totally prove the statistics wrong!

The Pros :) 

I have so many wonderful things to say about this breed. So hopefully this doesn't get too long. 
  1. The size of a Frenchton is as close to perfect as you can get. They are small enough to be a lap dog, but big enough that you don't have to be so worried about hurting them. They can weigh from around 15-25 pounds, and can stand at around 14-16 inches tall. 
  2. They don't shed that much. I love this about my Frenchton! I thought that Frenchtons shed a lot just like both of their parents, but when I picked Rory up, the breeder said that Frenchtons only shed seasonally. They usually shed in the spring and fall, which is perfect for people who love to be neat.
  3. Another wonderful thing about these dogs is that they don't need a lot of exercise. An hour throughout the day to run and play is all this dog really needs. Obviously they need more time out of the kennel, but they don't need a lot of run time. 
  4. That leads me to the next thing. Frenchtons sleep basically all day. This is from my experience from owning a Frenchton, but I have also talked to other people who own, or have had contact with Frenchtons and they all agree that these little dogs love to sleep! That means, that if you are really just searching for a cuddle buddy, a Frenchton is where it's at! This is my dog Rory, doing what she does best!

  5. Frenchtons can make AMAZING family dogs with the right training. If you start at day one, then your dog and children will get along great. I say this because Frenchtons are so calm and friendly, if you train them, they really won't hurt a soul. 
  6. One thing that I just had to put out there: Frenchtons are just weird! They are comical, hilarious, and so so different from any other dog breed. 
  7. The last thing I want to tell you is that Frenchtons have such big hearts. They really truly love their people. Yes, this could be viewed as a con because sometimes they can get a little too attached, but I love this about this breed. They just love you! I believe that this is the best quality that this dog has to offer.
So, I hope you have learned enough to know whether this breed is right for you. I personally love this breed! I have written this from all of my researching that I did before I got my Frenchton Rory, and also by personal experiences with her. I hope you enjoyed reading all about this wonderful, comical love bug breed of dogs! 


  1. I bet it was hard to write the cons about owning a Frenchton because you love your Frenchton so much

  2. I really loved the blog keep posting.

  3. Thank you this blog was really helpful. I was looking for answers about this funny breed and then I found your blog and it helped a lot because I was actually going to get a Frenchton myself.

    1. I'm glad it was helpful. I love this breed a lot! They are just an all around great dog!


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