My Dog's "Life Story"

 Hello friends and readers! I am so excited to tell you one of my favourite stories. The story of how I got my first (and second) dog. But before I begin, let me tell you a little bit about me. My name is Alexi, and my top five favourite things have got to be writing, reading, family, dogs, and of course my faith in Jesus. So it seemed fitting that I start a blog about my puppy dogs and I. I live on a small acreage with my family of seven (including myself) and my grandparents. Enough about me, let's get into my dogs life stories. 

    I haven't grown up with dogs, in fact, I used to be terrified of them. But that changed when my family moved out to the country and got our first dog Sadie. But this story isn't of our black Labrador Retriever, although I'm sure you will hear more of her later. This story is fast forward to last year. 2020. We were on a family vacation when my parents and I had this amazing idea, I should get into puppy breeding. This was such a great idea because my parents breed Goldadors, you might be thinking, what on earth is that? Don't worry, I will be writing more on this mixed breed in the coming days and weeks. Anyway, by me getting into dog breeding, I could save up for college, and get a dog of my own, all while partnering with my parents in our little business. Win win situation, right? So that February I picked up my very own puppy. She was an eight week old golden Labrador Retriever. In other words, so so cute! We brought her home and instantly I was in love with raising puppies! You should know this about me, a couple years before I got Wrenna, my Lab, I had started begging my parents for an indoor puppy. But, that wouldn't work so we got Wrenna instead. Don't worry, I was not disappointed. Raising a puppy outside was fun! I forgot about my little dream about owning an indoor dog... Until this fall. I was reminded of my dream when a family friend showed us a picture of a French Bulldog puppy. Really funny coincidence, that was the breed that I so badly wanted. So I was back on the begging train. I wrote so many letters to my parents telling them why I should get an indoor dog. I cried several times, and I also worked extra hard to be very diligent with Wrenna and Sadie's current litter of eleven puppies. But the thing I did the most, every single time I thought about this dream puppy, I prayed. And boy did I think of French Bulldogs a lot! I would search Kijiji every chance I got, looking for the perfect puppy that I could afford. Many of you dog lovers will probably know that French Bulldogs are NOT cheap. So of course, I couldn't find one that I could afford. I would spend hours thinking of ways to make money, but really, there was only one way. Wait till Wrenna has puppies. But that would be another year and a half wait. That didn't stop me from praying for a miracle. A couple months after I resumed my puppy search, my Dad asked me to get my computer and show him something. He said "Alexi, imagine yourself in the future. When Wrenna has puppies and you have enough money to by another dog. Show me which one you would buy." So I went to my favourite ad, one that I had saved to my google drive, and showed him. I had fallen in love with this little French Bulldog Boston Terrier cross. So, my dad took the computer and sent the owners a message saying how we can't buy this puppy, but we would love to buy one from their next litter. They got back to us a day later and told us this, "We usually spread our litters out between two years. So it will be a while, but, our other mother just had a litter and we have one puppy left. A brindle female." I was sold. I remember reading the message over two more times, my fingers shaking, and my mind racing with possibilities. But, a week later after trying to get a hold of the breeders, we still hadn't gotten anything back. One long, agonizing week. My parents had been in Banff National Park, so we were communicating over text when I got a photo. A photo of a three week old Frenchton puppy. 

Who wouldn't be in love, right?! As my parents drove home that day, I prayed one thing probably every ten seconds, no joke. I begged God that this dog would be in his plan for my life. I wanted this dog like my life depended on it. But again, there was silence, from my parents, from the breeders, and from God. But little did I know that ALL of them were working together to do something amazing. That Sunday my parents sat me down, and said "Alexi, we are calling the breeder to ask some questions." I was ready to walk away just then, because I am an introvert through and through, and phone calls are probably my least favourite thing. But I managed to keep my lunch down and we called the breeder. As we talked about the puppy I felt two things. So so sad because this puppy couldn't be mine, and I had to wait two years to get one! And, I was so anxious because phone calls do that to me. So with all those mixed emotions surrounding me I did one thing, I cried. While I was talking to the breeder, I cried! But it was like God was preparing me, because during that phone call, I learned that the puppy was mine! So again, I cried, but this time the tears were filled with joy, and giddy excitement. I was in awe for what God had done. 

    I have now owned Rory for almost two months! She is a constant reminder of how good God is, and how he is always working in our lives. I am so excited to join you on this journey as I write about Rory and Wrenna, and everything in between. So come with me, and follow the story of My Puppy Dogs and I.


  1. This is such and amazing story!! What an adventure!

  2. Thanks! It is a very big adventure! But I love every high and low of it :)

  3. I personally think that it was a real big adventure because I was there for all of it.

  4. I loved this blog it was very touching.


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